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Connected point distributions,
trigonometric waves, conformal structures.
The same three pieces printed in over
twenty different geometric variations.


Inspired by crystalline structures found in nature,
engineered lattices organize a network of repeated cells
that house variants of beams and surfaces.

Solid forms can now be viewed as voids to be filled
with intricate linkages of developable geometries.

Structural optimization through the benefits of
weight reduction, zonal strengthening, and adaptive behavior.


The skin of a giraffe, honey combs, and cells on a leaf.

A procedural formation around distributed points
that favors the shortest path and the tightest fit,
mimicking nature's tendency for efficiency. 

Natural conformation to the part’s boundary,
it’s behavior can be adjusted by the
distance between points and the thickness of beams.


‘Minimal surface’ refers to a surface that spans the smallest
possible area within a given boundary — i.e. soap bubbles.

‘Triply periodic’ meaning repeated in three-dimensions,
creating a crystalline structure.

All TPMS variations are generated with
basic algebraic operation of sine and cosine curves.

Depending on how you add, subtract, divide, or multiply
the implicit field of these curves, you can control the resulting
thickness, spacing, and orientation of the pattern


The cube-based construction of many traditional lattices
presents a challenge when conforming to curved volumes.

Either the part must be intersected with a larger lattice cube,
leaving irregular struts, or very small unit cells
must be used to closely approximate the curve.

Alternatively, you could generate the cells directly from
the part’s curved side surfaces, but a singularity
is formed in part’s center where all the beams
will merge together into a dense axis.

This 'lotus pattern' explores possible ways of
addressing this singularity, either eliminating it all together
or forming a separate inner section that
seamlessly connects to the outer region.



EnvisionOne - ETEC


Rhino & Grasshopper
Adobe Suite


Elastic Tough Rubber 90 - Adaptive3D
Elastic Tough Rubber 70 - Adaptive3D
Loctite 3D IND402 - Adaptive3D

N J K @ n o l a n k i m . c o m

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